About the Status of the Fugue in Contemporary Music Scholarship

Main Article Content

Marina N. Drozhzhina
Polina O. Tonchuk


The fugue presents one of the phenomena of the art of music that
has stepped beyond its artistic boundaries and received a bright
artistic realization in literature, painting and cinematography.
The perceptions of the fugue as a genre, form or principle of
contrapuntal writing, existent prior to the present time, are
somewhat contradictory, an occurrence that reflects various
levels of manifestation of this phenomenon. Analyzing the artistic
practice, as well as the research-related versions, the authors of the
article suggest for the first time to regard the fugue as a universal
artistic concept, possessing its own content and structure. As a
core of the concept the very principle of the fugue is determined as
imitational counterpoint; the specificity of realization of this type of
polyphony in various forms of art is revealed. The materialization
of the concept results in the creation of the form, while its filling
with concrete content that is stipulated by the semantics of the
core leads to the perception of the applicable genre. This approach
makes it possible to demonstrate the possibility of covering all the
levels of manifestation of the fugue with the aid of one universal

Keywords: fugue, artistic concept, genre, form, canon

Article Details

How to Cite
Drozhzhina, M. N., & Tonchuk, P. O. (2015). About the Status of the Fugue in Contemporary Music Scholarship. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 28–35. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2015.2.19.028-035
Music Theory
Author Biographies

Marina N. Drozhzhina, Novosibirsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory

Doctor of Arts,
Professor at the Department of Music Education
and Education

Polina O. Tonchuk, Novosibirsk Special Music School (College)

Faculty member


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