The Practices of Liturgical Singing of the Old-Believers of the Belokrinitsy Order of the Primorye Area

Main Article Content

Tatiana P. Balanovskaya


The article describes the results of research of the communities of Old-Believers in Vladivostok and the village Vrangel: their history, present-day make-up and peculiarities of the practices of liturgical singing. The author demonstrates

the results of comparative analysis of the chant “Svyaty Bozhe” (“Holy God”), which provides a perspective of the level of preservation of monody in the process of oral music traditions and reveals the similarities and differences in the manners of performance of different communities.

Keywords: Old-Believers, practice of liturgical singing,

znamenny chant

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How to Cite
Balanovskaya, T. P. (2012). The Practices of Liturgical Singing of the Old-Believers of the Belokrinitsy Order of the Primorye Area. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 33–37. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Tatiana P. Balanovskaya, Far-Eastern Federal University

assistant at the Department of Culturology and Research


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