Visual Gestalts in the Synthetic Interpretation of Musical Texts

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Nina P. Kolyadenko


This article discusses one of the ways of forming an integral perception of hearing – the creation of visual gestalt of musical sound. On the basis of the experiments carried out it is revealed that the visual types of gestalt formed by engaging intersensory connections – synaesthesias – enable the comprehension of a multi-dimensional non-verbal musical semantic field.

Keywords: visual gestalt, musical sound, an integral musical image, synaesthetics in the musical text

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How to Cite
Kolyadenko, N. P. (2012). Visual Gestalts in the Synthetic Interpretation of Musical Texts. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 17–21. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Nina P. Kolyadenko, Новосибирская государственная консерватория (академия) им. М. И. Глинки

Doctor of Arts and Candidate of Philosophical Sciences; she is a professor and the head of the Department of History, Philosophy and Art Studies and the academic secretary of the Dissertation Committee


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