So that the Spark of Mozart Would not be Extinguished: Concerning the Issue of Humanitarization of the Present-Day Educational System

Main Article Content

Anna I. Shcherbakova


The article substantiates the necessity of humanitarization of the system of education, which is compelled to
constantly overcome numerous contradictions characteristic for the contemporary globalizing world. These include
the sharp crisis of civilization, implicating a growing aggression in society, as well as the specificity of information
civilization, leading to standardization and unification of cultural values and a constantly increasing onslaught of
mass cultures, which is not in the least conducive to spiritual flourishing of humanity. A whole set of significant
aspects of the issue are disclosed, the immense relevance of which is determined by the interest in it on the part of
the members of the scholars’ community: philosophers, culturologists, sociologists, psychologists and pedagogues.
Based on the results of her research, the author of the article presents the chief methodological approaches to the
posed issue and the mechanisms conducive to overcoming the existent contradictions. The conclusion is arrived at,
according to which the humanitarization of the present-day system of education presents an effective instrument of
social adaptation of personality, the realization of its creative potential and, consequently, of social recovery and the
renewal of contemporary society.

Keywords: humanitarization of education, spiritual values, inter-cultural dialogue, aesthetics of thinking, aesthetics
of spiritual experience, artistic space of culture.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shcherbakova, A. I. (2016). So that the Spark of Mozart Would not be Extinguished: Concerning the Issue of Humanitarization of the Present-Day Educational System. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 125–134.
International Division
Author Biography

Anna I. Shcherbakova, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy institut muzyki im. A. G. Shnitke / Moscow State A. G. Schnittke Musical Institute

Dr. Sci. (Pedagogical),
Dr. Sci. (Culturology),
Active Rector, Professor at the Department
of the Art of Conducting


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