Sergei Lemeshev. Traits of the Portrait of the Outstanding Singer

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Sergei V. Tarasov


The famous 20th century Russian singer Sergei Lemeshev is presented in the article as the artistic successor of Feodor
Shalyapin, being primarily a performer of Russian folk song. At the beginning of his singing career Lemeshev
discovered for himself in Shalyapin a genuine national style, depth of feeling, and sharpness of emotionality, which
he aspired to reflect during the course of his entire artistic path. However, unlike the famous bass singer, Lemeshev
performed the folk song in his own inimitable way. This was not only due to the nature of his voice, but also due to
his ability to adapt to the artistic needs of the respective genre – classical song, folk song or urban sing. The author
draws our attention to the fact that each of the singers has raised various strata of Russian folk song to a referential
The greatest singing culture and a perfect vocal technique intrinsic to Lemeshev’s performances of folk songs also
revealed itself in the artist’s work with opera repertoire. Lemeshev’s manner of singing, having preserved the bel canto
foundations, put the principles of the Russian vocal school into a position subservient to them. This makes it possible
to call Lemeshev an outstanding master of the “Russian bel canto.” The most important element in his performance,
and the one most difficult to define, is his gentlest type of tremulous vibrato and the almost indiscernible waves of
mesa con voce on one sound. Two primary components of the operatic artist’s singing are marked out: his excellent
diction, which corresponds to al the orthographic norms of the Russian language, and the lively feeling of the flexible
expressive spoken word upon a perfect knowledge of sound.
Keywords: the Russian vocal school, vocal technique, Sergei Lemeshev, performance of the Russian folk song.

Article Details

How to Cite
Tarasov, S. V. (2016). Sergei Lemeshev. Traits of the Portrait of the Outstanding Singer. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 140–146.
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Sergei V. Tarasov, Astrakhanskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya / Astrakhan State Conservatory

PhD (Arts), Associate Professor,
Chairman of the Department
of Solo Singing and Preparation of Opera


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