Nikolai Tiftikidi – the First Russian Researcher of the Musical Culture of the Pontic Greeks

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Araxia S. Minasyants


The article is devoted to the outstanding musician and musical scholar, the first researcher of the music of the Pontic
Greeks who have been living on the territory of Russia since remote times, Nikolai Fomich Tiftikidi (1921–2014).
The author evaluates Tiftikidi as a music scholar, an organizer of academic and educational activities at the Alma
Ata Conservatory and the Rostov-on-Don Pedagogical Institute and a pedagogue of music theory. The researcher
emphasizes the impact of family traditions on the scholarly interests Tiftikidi, a Pontic Greek in his origins. The
hereditary connection of Nikolai Fomich’s artistic activities with those of his father Foma Tiftikidi, who in the 1920s
in Baku enjoyed immense popularity and standing as a lyrarian musician, who was dubbed the “Orpheus of Baku.”
Tiftikidi’s scholarly and pedagogical heritage is examined, and the vital role of his academic works devoted to questions
of study of folk music of the Pontic Greeks is demonstrated. In his works the scholar was able to lay the foundation for
subsequent research of Pontic songs and dances.

Keywords: Nikolai Tiftikidi, musical culture of the Pontic Greeks, Pontic lyre, Pontic songs and dances.

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How to Cite
Minasyants, A. S. (2016). Nikolai Tiftikidi – the First Russian Researcher of the Musical Culture of the Pontic Greeks. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 127–132.
Creative Profiles of Musicologists
Author Biography

Araxia S. Minasyants, Rostovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. S. V. Rakhmaninova / Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Post-graduate student at the Music Theory
and Composition Department


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