Upbringing on Worthy Models (On the Methodology of Instruction of Musical Criticism)

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Alexander Ya. Selitsky


Practical skills in the field of musical criticism are acquired in simultaneity of writing one’s own texts and analyzing the works of other authors. As specimens for study it is worthwhile to turn not only to the works of the classics and significant contemporary journalists, but also to lesser-known authors. When studying the texts, attention must be fixed not only on the content, but also on the style and the “technology,” which endows the analysis with a practical directedness. Individual interpretation of the genres of music criticism, the criteria from which the authors stemmed, and parameters of evaluation of utterance become elucidated. This type of observation also touches upon the literary and artistic aspects and the form of manifestation of the publicist element. Educational discipline is called upon to draw the student’s attention towards the legacy of music criticism as a school for mastery.

Among the authors whose articles may be recommended for learning, special mention must be made of pianist and professor at the Rostov Conservatory Igor Benditsky (1941–2011), who had numerous publications in the conservatory newspaper “Kamerton.” Most instructive are the background factors which led Benditsky to the field of journalism: a profound need in frequent encounters with music performed live, the aspiration to tell everybody about his impressions and to convince about the rightness of his evaluations. His texts are of implicit interest as the result of the well-rounded knowledge of music of various genres, an immersion into artistic processes, a presence of clear artistic ideals, a feeling of historicism, and an aspiration to summarizations. These qualities made it possible for him to understand any concrete event of concert life under a broad angle of vision, to place that particular event into a definite context (of the given concert season and more remote years, of performing traditions of a particular composition), etc.

Keywords: applied musicology, analysis of a text of music criticism, Igor Benditsky, the Rostov Conservatory

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How to Cite
Selitsky, A. Y. (2015). Upbringing on Worthy Models (On the Methodology of Instruction of Musical Criticism). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 107–114. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2015.4.107-114
Musical Education
Author Biography

Alexander Ya. Selitsky, Rostovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. S. V. Rakhmaninova / Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts),
Professor at the Music History Department


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4. Kurysheva T. A. Muzykal’naya zhurnalistika i muzykal’naya kritika [Musical Journalism and Musical Criticism]. Moscow: Vlados-Press, 2007. 296 p.
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