The “New” History of Russian Music

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Elvira G. Panaiotidi


The article provides a brief survey of Anglophone research on the history of Russian music of the last decades. The attention is called to the ideologically tendentious interpretation of Russian musicological tradition, which is characterized as double disclosure. This implies unmasking the views and personalities of Russian music critics and musicians of the pre- and post-revolutionary period on the one hand and their interpretation by the Soviet and Russian scholars on the other hand.

Keywords: “new” history of Russian music, revisionist project, double disclosure, Stasov, Tchaikovsky, “Soviet myths”

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How to Cite
Panaiotidi, E. G. (2013). The “New” History of Russian Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 164–167. Retrieved from
International Division
Author Biography

Elvira G. Panaiotidi, North-Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute

Candidate of Arts (PhD) in Pedagogy from the Moscow State Pedagogical University and her Doctoral degree in Philosophy from the Institute of Philosophy, affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)


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