Debatable Issues In Bachiana: “Clavierübung III”

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Elena V. Vyazkova


The article is one of J. S. Bach’s last works, “Part III of Klavier
Practice” (“Clavierübung III”). The main issue of the debates
is whether this composition forms a cycle or a “free collection
of various pieces.” Most researchers consider it a “collection”
(Sammlung). However, a thorough musicological analysis will
result in an opposite answer. The movements of this cycle turn
out to be connected thematically, united by common (variational)
principles of development, the tonal plan turns out to be concise
(similar to that of a rondo), and the peculiar features of the
form acquire concrete, purposeful motion. The dramaturgical
core of the cycle is formed by the fugue. It is present as a
contrapuntal “stratum,” in “large” elaborations with chorales in
the cantus firmus voice, as well as more openly – in the “small
elaborations,” performed only on keyboard instruments. The final
stage of development in the cycle is presented by the duets and
the conclusive fugue. The introduction of the duets is perceived
by researchers as an uncanny and even a fallacious step of the
composer. An understanding of the pivotal role of the fugue
elucidates the role of these inventive fugues-duets: they prepare
the conclusive apotheosis of the cycle’s “main idea” – the most
original triple fugue. The author offers a new explanation for the
peculiarities of its structure, one which considers the through
role of variation in this cycle. The conclusions and observations
offered in this article may carry great significance both for
musicology and for performance practice.

Keywords: J.S. Bach, “Clavierübung III”, contrapuntal
cycle, variantional principle of musical form, fugue

Article Details

How to Cite
Vyazkova, E. V. (2015). Debatable Issues In Bachiana: “Clavierübung III”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 43–49.
Music Theory
Author Biography

Elena V. Vyazkova, Russian Gnesins’ Academy of Music

Doctor of Arts, Professor at the Department of Analytical Musicology


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