The Peculiar Features of Singing “Following the Napevka” of the Irmoses “I Shall Open My Mouth” in the Community of Old-Believers in the Village of Dersu in the Primorye Region

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Tatiana P. Balanovskaya


An original element of the Old-Believers’ liturgical singing culture,
which has not been adequately studied, is the singing “following
the napevka” – an orally transmitted simplified version of the
kryuki chant, which is prominent in the community. In 2012–
2013 as part of field research in the Old-Believers’ communities
of the Primorye Region, the author collected and processed an
immense amount of musical material. A comparative analysis
was made of singing “following the napevka” of the Irmoses
“I Shall Open My Mouth” in a community of the village Dersu
formed of families of émigrés who had returned to the Primorye
Region from Latin America, as well as communities from other
regions of Russia. The article demonstrates the similarities with
and differences between this stratum of singing culture and the
liturgical practices of communities of Western and Central parts
of Russia. By applying a method of graphical visualization, the
author shows the commonality of musical thought of the Far-
Eastern communities of Old-Believers with the singing culture
of Early Rus, preserved in the communities of Old-Believers
in Russia. The hypothesis is brought out of the connection
between the similarities and the discrepancies in the chant with
the canonical mode, the peculiarities of performance of liturgical
singing in the community of the village of Dersu are described,
and perspectives of further research are outlined.

Keywords: the Old-Believers, liturgical singing traditions,
singing “following the napevka”

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How to Cite
Balanovskaya, T. P. (2014). The Peculiar Features of Singing “Following the Napevka” of the Irmoses “I Shall Open My Mouth” in the Community of Old-Believers in the Village of Dersu in the Primorye Region. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 25–31. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Tatiana P. Balanovskaya, Far-Eastern Federal University

Post-graduate student at the Department of Culturology
and Art Studies


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