Bashkir Hornai. Reconstruction

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Ravil G. Rakhimov


The presented article is the authorʼs view on the problem of reconstruction of national music instruments. As an example, the Bashkir traditional aerophone “Hornaiˮ is taken, which is part of the group of shalmei clarinet type. The instrument, which has common structural features with the oriental zummar and Slavic zhaleyka, was restored by Ufa masters A. Latypov, N. Starostin and Pskov reconstructor A. Potorchin. For more than 20 years, he held a concert and performing aprobation on the basis of the Ufa Childrenʼs Music School No. 4 and the Ufa State Zagir Ismagilov Institute of Arts. International recognition is associated with the hornai enthusiast, candidate of art history L. Ishmurzina, who was awarded the title of laureate at the International Competition “Die Wiener sternenˮ (“Vienna Starsˮ) in 2011 in the nomination “Solo performance on a traditional instrumentˮ. The instrumental group “Hornaiˮ of the Ufa Childrenʼs Music School No. 4 has earned the title of laureate at the All-Russian competitions “Ural ileˮ (2021) and “Yondozkaiˮ (2022) in the nomination “Ensembles of traditional musical instrumentsˮ. In the article concludes that the reconstruction process went on without serious mistakes, the hornai received recognition of the ethnophores of Bashkir ethnoinstrumentalism and has followers.

Keywords: Reconstruction, aerophones, schalmay, national music instruments, Bashkir hornai.

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How to Cite
Rakhimov Р. Г. (2023). Bashkir Hornai. Reconstruction. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 50(1), 135–143. Retrieved from
Musical Instruments of Russia
Author Biography

Ravil G. Rakhimov, Ufa State Zagir Ismagilov Institute of Arts, Ufa, Russia

DrSci (Art), Professor of the Department of Music Theory