A.N. Scryabin, His Creative Way and Principles of Artistic Expression (Completion)

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Leonid L. Sabaneyev


From editorial staff. With the material presented in this journal, we are completing to issue the brochure “A.N. Scriabin, His Creative Way and Principles of Artistic Expression” by L. Sabaneev. In the published part of the brochure, the author focused on evolving Scriabin's artistic thinking, his spiritual, religious, philosophical views and ideas. In the second one, we are talking about developing the composerʼs musical style as a reflection of spiritual search, the desire, according to L. Sabaneev, “to expressˮ the greatest grandeur of his dreams by means of exquisite refinements. The system of expression means and, first of all, the rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, as well as the form are considered, their logical complication in “craving for embodying in sounds the idea of radiant ecstasy which had already been sounding in his dreams”.
At the same time, the author formulates the main regularity in the components correlation: “the great, even exceptional complexity of the main, primary elements of the work structure – rhythmic cells, harmonies, melodic lines – [and] extreme sketchiness, simplicity and crystalline transparency of more complex forms, rhythmic structures, harmonic texture, counterpointsˮ. Plenty of style principles, which were first discovered by L. Sabaneev, continue to being used in the scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars up to our time.
As before, the text, with few exceptions, retains the stylistics, spelling, and punctuation peculiarities of the original.

Keywords: the highest refinement, the highest grandiosity, melos, rhythm, ultrachromatic, “Prometheusˮ, “The Poem of Ecstasyˮ

Article Details

How to Cite
Sabaneyev Л. Л. (2022). A.N. Scryabin, His Creative Way and Principles of Artistic Expression (Completion). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 49(4), 40–53. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1406
From the History of Domestic Thought about Music
Author Biography

Leonid L. Sabaneyev

Leonid L. Sabaneyev (1881–1968) was a Russian musicologist, composer, and music critic. Russian Russian composer is the author of works on the general history of music, the history of Russian music, research on Richard Wagner, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Alexander Scriabin, Russian composers of the early XX century. One of the founders of the State Institute of Musical Sciences (ANTHEM), a full member of the Music Section of the Academy of Artistic Sciences and President of the Association of Contemporary Music in Moscow. Professor Rachmaninov Russian Conservatory in Paris.