About L. Sabaneev’s Broshure “A.N. Scryabin, His Creative Way and Principles of Artistic Expression”

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The article, in its own way, is a preface to L. Sabaneev՚s broshure about A. Scryabin, that was published in 1916 in Petrograd by the Sirius publishing house [4]. Having become a bibliographic rarity, Sabaneev՚s work retains its relevance to this day, still arousing the interest of musicians. The article discusses the historical and stylistic context outlined in Sabaneev՚s study, his ideas about the style and structure of Scryabin՚s music, which became important for Russian musicology and were developed in later works. Particular attention is drawn to the researcher՚s generalizations in the field of harmonic language, the intonational structure of Scryabin՚s later compositions. It also reveals Sabaneev՚s reflections on the peculiarities of Scriabin՚s creative process and on the ideas that influenced him. At the same time, the author of the broshure reveals the deep principles that guided Scryabin when composing music.

Keywords: Sabaneev, pamphlet, Scriabin, harmony, creativity, Mystery.

Article Details

How to Cite
Maksimenko А. О. (2022). About L. Sabaneev’s Broshure “A.N. Scryabin, His Creative Way and Principles of Artistic Expression”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 48(3), 41–46. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1377
From the History of Domestic Thought about Music
Author Biography

Alexander O. Maksimenko
