Implementing the “Stream of Consciousness” Method in Giacinto Sсelsi’s Autobiography “101 Dreams”

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Olesya A. Osipenko


The article discusses the autobiographical work “101 dreams” (in the original version – “Il Sogno 101”), written by the Italian poet and composer of the XX century Giacinto Scelsi (1905–1988). This author՚s work is extremely unusual not only from the point of view of its fixation, but also from the position of organizing and the incarnating the content, largely due to the use of the “Stream of сonsciousness” method, which has received widespread in the modernist Western European Literature of the XX century. With the external adherence of the autobiography “Il Sogno 101” by Giacinto Sсelsi to the typical for the presentation of memoirs by various eras authors, this one is distinguished from similar documents by a special chronotope, in which a mixed system of chronologization of events prevails [7, р. 152]. Despite the fact that in the texts of the work “101 dreams”, the dating of biographical facts is reflected using calendar time, the order of their appearance is constantly violated by the author. Giacinto Scelsi uses in the autobiography “101 dreamsˮ a fundamentally new for his time way of creating text. The composer՚s memoirs, recorded for several decades on tape and presented in a free, not always sequential order, were subsequently transferred to the editors of the publishing house, who, after translating the autobiography into a literary text, gave it to the author for final correction and then to print.
The article provides a chronology reflecting the main stages of the formation of Giacinto Sсelsi՚s autobiography, as well as the issues of its content and interpretation of the genre by the composer are discussed for the first time in the Russian musicology.

Keywords: Giacinto Scelsi, autobiography, “101 dreams”, stream of consciousness.

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How to Cite
Osipenko О. А. (2022). Implementing the “Stream of Consciousness” Method in Giacinto Sсelsi’s Autobiography “101 Dreams”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 47(2), 82–91. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Olesya A. Osipenko, Dmitry Khvorostovsky Siberian State Institute of Arts, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

PhD (Arts), Associate Professor at the Music Theory and Compositions Department, Dmitry Khvorostovsky Siberian State Institute of Arts