Concerning the Issue of the Development of the Bashkir National Instrumentation: Creating Dumbyra-Soprano

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Svetlana M. Platonova
Irina V. Loginova


The article examines the development of the national Bashkir instrumentation at the present time, analyzes the historical prerequisites for the inclusion of the dumbra-soprano in the orchestral sphere of the Bashkir folk-instrumental performance. The process of reconstruction of the Bashkir national dumbyra, as well as the ways of formation of its structural and morphological parameters, is studied from the position of mutual influence of the instruments. The reconstructed dumbira in all respects (original appearance, timbre, performance techniques, repertoire) became a representative of the modern musical Bashkir culture. However, even today, the process of finding its optimal structure continues. The creation of a new instrument in 2016 – the dumbyra-soprano-is quite natural and is in line with the process of academization of folk instruments in general. On the example of the transformation of the instrumental composition of the National Orchestra of Folk Instruments of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the role of the dumbyra-soprano in the musical art of is comprehended. Its inclusion in the orchestra gave uniformity and completeness to the family of orchestral dumbras, provided an acoustically balanced sound. The authors come to the conclusion that, despite the fact that the path of the dumbra-soprano in Bashkir folk instrumental performance is just beginning, the prospects for its functioning as a tessitur variety of the dumbra in the orchestral sphere seem unquestionable.

Keywords: Bashkir dumbira, dumbira-soprano, Bashkir folk-instrumental performance, National Orchestra of Folk Instruments, Russian domra.

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How to Cite
Platonova С. М. ., & Loginova И. В. . (2021). Concerning the Issue of the Development of the Bashkir National Instrumentation: Creating Dumbyra-Soprano. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 43(2), 139–146. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biographies

Svetlana M. Platonova, Ufa State Zagir Ismagilov Institute of Arts Ufa, Russia

Svetlana M. Platonova, Ph.D. (Arts), Professor, Head at the History of Music Department of the Ufa State Zagir Ismagilov Institute of Arts

Irina V. Loginova, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov, Ufa, Russia

Irina V. Loginova, Ph.D. (Arts), Senior Lecturer at the Folk Instruments Department of the Ufa State Zagir Ismagilov Institute of Arts