The Dynamics of the Repertoire of Sacred Chants of the Dukhobors from the Tselinsky District

Main Article Content

Anastasia V. Zernina


The article dwells upon the dynamics of the repertoire of sacred
chants of the confessional group of Dukhobors living in the Rostov
Region. A comparative analysis of notated records from folk
music expeditions from the end of the 20th and beginning of the
21st centuries made it possible to reveal some insignificant changes
in the structures of the psalms and verses. The latter are expressed
in the transitions from the psalms and verses sung earlier into the
category of those that are read out loud. In addition to that, the
early psalms of the sung form have been lost for the most part,
having been replaced in the church rites by historical verses.
The rather fully preserved state of the overall output of the
musical texts of the sacred chants is conditioned by a number
of factors, among which the most important are the existence
of active vocal ensembles devoted to sacred music, the notation
of the musical texts in special “notebooks for singers,” the
preservation of the conditions for all the genres of the singing
tradition and their existence in the context of church rites.

Keywords: sacred chants, the Dukhobor confessional group,
Psalms, genres of the tradition of church singing, rites

Article Details

How to Cite
Zernina, A. V. (2013). The Dynamics of the Repertoire of Sacred Chants of the Dukhobors from the Tselinsky District. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 100–104. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Anastasia V. Zernina, The Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Methodologist at the Laboratory of Folk Music


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