The Musical Culture of the Teptyars of the Region from the Urals to the Volga in Russia

Main Article Content

Ravil G. Rakhimov


The article presents an analysis of the musical culture of the
Teptyars – one of the presently extinct ethnicities of the region
from the Urals to the Volga. First mention of them appeared in
1631 as an ethnic-class group on the territory of Bashkortostan.
During Russia’s war with Napoleon Bonaparte in 1812 Teptyar
regiments comprised part of the Cossacks’ Army Division led
by ataman M.I. Platov. In 1926 during the population census
in the USSR there were 27.300 Teptyars registered, although
subsequently they were listed as Tatars or Bashkirs. The main
source for the article was the analysis of the auditory recordings
made by Russian ethnographer Sergei Rybakov, published in his
work “Muzyka i pesni uralskikh musulman” [“Music and Songs
by Muslims from the Ural Mountains”] (1897) of eight Teptyar
songs of the Teptyar-Uchalinsk Volost (presently, the Uchalin
District in Bashkortostan). In the “Present-Day Notation”
section of the book a number of instrumental melodies, written
down by the author of the article in 1984 in the regions densely
populated by the Teptyars (the Uchalinsk and Chekmagushevsk
Districts). It also presents present-day Teptyar tunes on the
bayan and single-low button accordion. Upon analysis of the
surviving specimens of the Teptyar musical culture, one can
discern original traits of intonation-based material, bearing a
fusion of Tatar, Bashkir, Russian and Mari rhythmical-melodic
formulas, albeit possessing its own characteristic distinctions.
The conclusion is arrived at that during the first quarter of the
20th century a “conservation” of Teptyar musical culture took
place, an overcoming of which can be discerned at the present

Keywords: folk music of the peoples of Russia, the musical
culture of the Teptyars

Article Details

How to Cite
Rakhimov, R. G. (2013). The Musical Culture of the Teptyars of the Region from the Urals to the Volga in Russia. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 37–43. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Ravil G. Rakhimov, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Doctor of Arts,
Professor at the Department of Ethnomusicology


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