The Synthesis of Folk and Classical Musical Traditions in the Piano Sonatas of Kazakh Composers

Main Article Content

Lyudmila P. Belozyor


The development of Kazakh piano music has been closely
connected with the social changes in the life of the Kazakh people
and other peoples from Central Asia which had become part of
the USSR. After the October Revolution the Kazakh musical art
of the oral tradition was studied and written down and became
a foundation for a professional school of musical composition.
The first compositions for piano presented arrangements of
folk melodies (made by A.M. Gurevich, A.K. Zhubanov,
E.G. Brusilovsky, L.A. Khamidi, etc.). The Kazakh composers
relied on the experience of other national schools of music
composition in which such problems had already been solved. In
the mid-20th century the development of Kazakh music extended
with the incorporation of new genres: the sonata, the concerto,
the poem. The author turns to the sonatas by Kazakh composers
which have firmly become part of the performers’ repertoire.
Thearticle examines works by B. Djumaniyazov (Sonata in
F minor), A. Serkebayev (Sonata in C minor), two sonatas by
G. Zhubanova (Sonata N.1, Sonata-Fantasy N.2), M. Koishibayev’s
Poem-Sonata “In Memoriam Abay” and A. Sagatov’s Sonata.
Their principles of development, musical language, means of
application of folk music traditions, as well as the traditions of
Russian music (beginning with Rachmaninoff) and European
music (from Beethoven to Debussy and avant-garde techniques).
The author emphasizes that the art of piano music as an integral
phenomenon of world culture became enriched by new musical
content, national images and technical means that convey the
Kazakh national color.

Keywords: Kazakh music, kuy, B. Djumaniyasv, A. Serkebayev,
G. Zhubanova, M. Koishibayev, A. Sagatov, the Kazakh
piano sonatas

Article Details

How to Cite
Belozyor, L. P. (2013). The Synthesis of Folk and Classical Musical Traditions in the Piano Sonatas of Kazakh Composers. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 18–22. Retrieved from
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Lyudmila P. Belozyor, Kostonai State Pedagogical Institute

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD),
Acting Assistant Professor of the Section
of the Arts of the Department of History and the Arts


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