The Musicological School of Liudmila Kazantseva: The Experience of a Decade

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Polina S. Volkova


The year 2019 marked the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Problem-Related
Scholarly Research Laboratory for Musical Content affiliated with the Volgograd State Institute
for the Arts and Culture. Its creation became a regular milestone of the academic school of musical
content of Liudmia Kazantseva – Doctor of Arts, professor at the Astrakhan State Conservatory,
Chair of the Problem-Related Laboratory of Musical Content, academician at the International
Academy of Informational Support and the Russian Academy of Natural Studies, and member of the
Russian Composers’ Union. The leader and the “graduates” of the school – Doctors and Candidates
of Art and of Culturology – are concentrated on development of a methodology which initiates the
meaning-bearing activities of the consciousness of the subject who engages in a dialogue with art.
The theoretical conception uniting them consists in regarding musical content as the artistic essence
of the musical composition, and is focused directly and indirectly in embodying and discovering
everything it is comprised of. The touchstones of musical content turn out to be musical sound, the
means of musical expressivity, intonation, musical imagery, musical dramaturgy, theme and idea,
and “the image of the composer.” The primary “framework” of musical content molded by the
composer undergoes a creative transformation in the interpretative activities of the performer and
the perception of the listener.
The results of the combined scholarly search carried out by the school have been represented
in over 600 publications, presentations on Russian and international musicological conferences,
symposiums and congresses. Kazantseva’s school has engaged in scholarly-pedagogical activities
in higher and intermediary educational institutions, musical and general educational schools of
Astrakhan, Bryansk, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Kurgan, Maikop, Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Saratov and other cities of Russia, as well as in other countries.

Keywords: musical content, authorial image, interaction between the arts, the Russian element
in music from other countries, academic school, personality of the teacher, Liudmila Kazantseva.

Article Details

How to Cite
Volkova, P. S. (2019). The Musicological School of Liudmila Kazantseva: The Experience of a Decade. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 90–101.
Scholarly Schools of Russia
Author Biography

Polina S. Volkova, Krasnodar Higher Military School named after the General of the Army S. M. Shtemenko

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), Professor of the Russian Language Department


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