Gramophone Recordings of Early 20th Century Tatar Performers in Alan Kelly’s “The Orient Catalogue”

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Idris M. Gaziev


In the beginning of the 20th century gramophone recordings received wide circulation throughout
the territory of Russia. One of the largest companies – the English public company “Gramophone” –
created gramophone recordings both of Russian performers and of representatives of other peoples,
including Tatar singers, musician and artists. Information about the first gramophone records with the
participation of Tatar singers is given in part in the work of researcher Valentin Yanin. The relevance of
further study of gramophone recordings of Tatar performers, the search for historical sources, brought
the author of the present article to establishment of contact with the leading expert in the history of the
“Gramophone” company, English discographer Alan Kelly. In his “Complete Catalogue for Russian
Gramophone Recordings Made by the “Gramophone” company from 1899 to 1928 in Russia and
abroad” there is valuable information contained about the very first examples of recordings by Tatar
singers, starting from 1901. “The Orient Catalogue” by Alan Kelly, available in manuscript form
and passed to the author of the article for studies, also turned out to be within the sphere of scholarly
interests. It presents gramophone recordings of Tatar performers from 1904 to 1913. This catalogue
has been brought into scholarly use for the first time. The author of the present work examines the
structure of the catalogue, establishes the chronology of the sessions of Tatar recordings, indicates the
cities where the recordings were made, discloses forgotten names of performers and analyzes their
repertoire. Due to Alan Kelly’s “The Orient Catalogue” the unique opportunity is obtained to elucidate
the history of gramophone recordings of Tatar singers and musicians of the early 20th century.

Keywords: gramophone recording in Russia, “Gramophone” public society, Alan Kelly’s
“The Orient Catalogue,” Tatar performers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Gaziev, I. M. (2019). Gramophone Recordings of Early 20th Century Tatar Performers in Alan Kelly’s “The Orient Catalogue”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 38–44.
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Idris M. Gaziev, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Ph.D. (Arts), Professor at the Department of Vocal Art


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