The Yekaterinburg Section of the Imperial Russian Musical Society / Russian Musical Society (1912–1919)

Main Article Content

Liudmila K. Shabalina


The article sets the goal of ascertainment of the results of the activities in Yekaterinburg of the local section of the
Imperial Russian Musical Society (IRMS), which existed in the city for seven years, part of which passed during the
years of the revolution and the Civil War. The favorable conditions accompanying the emergence of the local section
of the IRMS, stipulated by the longstanding activities of amateur musical-enlightening societies. The establishment of
the first professional musical educational institution in the Urals region – the Musical College affiliated with the local
section of the IRMS – is highlighted as the greatest achievement of the Society. The hardships of its functioning during
the crossover period of Russian history (1917–1919) and the moments of critical situations brought in the danger of
the shutting down of the Musical College. The merits of the members of the local section of the IRMS, who were
able to establish and preserve this Musical College in Yekaterinburg, as well as the professional musicians, graduates
of conservatories, who performed in concerts and were engaged in pedagogical work are disclosed. An evaluation is
made of the College, created under the auspices of the IRMS, as the foundation for the establishment in Yekaterinburg
(during the Soviet period – Sverdlovsk) of a higher musical educational institution – the Urals State M. P. Mussorgsky

Keywords: the musical culture of the Urals, musical education, the Yekaterinburg Section of the Imperial Russian
Musical Society (IRMS), the activists of the IRMS.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shabalina, L. K. (2018). The Yekaterinburg Section of the Imperial Russian Musical Society / Russian Musical Society (1912–1919). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 133–139.
Towards the 160th Anniversary of the Russian Musical Society
Author Biography

Liudmila K. Shabalina, Urals State M. P. Mussorgsky Conservatory

Ph.D. (Arts), Professor of the Music Theory Department


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