“One-Man-Orchestra” Alexander Nikolayevich Vinogradsky (1855–1912)

Main Article Content

Elena S. Zinkevich


The personality of the outstanding musician, Alexander Nikolayevich Vinogradsky, chairman (1888–1912) and
irreplaceable conductor of orchestral concerts of the Kiev Section of the Russian Musical Society (RMS), is presented
within the broad spectrum of opinions of his contemporaries. It was particularly during those years in the content and
amplitude of its concert activities, Kiev could be compared with such musical centers as Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Examination is made of the components of Vinogradsky’s concert programs, which included the music of the most
diverse epochs and schools. His role in popularizing the musical legacy of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky is emphasized.
All of Beethoven’s symphonies received performances under the direction of Vinogradsky: thus, in Kiev he performed
the First, Third, Fourth and Sixth Symphony, as well as “Manfred,” “Francesco da Rimini,” and other works by
Tchaikovsky. The peculiarities of the conducting style of Vinogradsky are examined in this article for the first time
not only in the aspect of interpretation, but also in the plan of the visual manner of his performances. Numerous
opinions of the critics are cited, both the Russian critics (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov) and those
from other countries – including those in which Vinogradsky toured numerous times (Germany, France). Emphasis is
made of Vinogradsky’s role in the formation of musical education in Kiev, particularly, the establishment of the Kiev
Conservatory. The basis of the article is formed by the Russian press during the period of the years 1880–1912.

Keywords: Alexander Vinogradsky, orchestral conductor, Kiev, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky.

Article Details

How to Cite
Zinkevich, E. S. (2018). “One-Man-Orchestra” Alexander Nikolayevich Vinogradsky (1855–1912). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 99–105. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2018.4.099-105
Towards the 160th Anniversary of the Russian Musical Society
Author Biography

Elena S. Zinkevich, Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor at the World Music History Department


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