Concerning Certain Aspects of Research of Repetition in Philosophical and Musical Experience

Main Article Content

Andrei S. Molchanov


The article is devoted to issues of methodology of study
of repetition in music. The author highlights the issues of
interpretation of the present principle in musicology, drawing to
our attention the contradiction between the informational features
of repetition and the dynamicity of unfolding of artistic structure
in time. The article notes the important role of compositional
logical principles, as well as the spheres of perception for the
disclosing of semantic functions of repetition. The author turns
to several extra-musical systems and conceptions. Examination
of works of David Hume, Søren Kierkegaard and Gilles Deleuse
discloses the evolution of study of the concept of repetition in
various philosophical systems: Empiricism, Existentialism
and Post-Structuralism. The achieved results present make it
possible to base the interpretation of repetition as a principle of
musical thinking and to emphasize the role of two basic forms
of implementation of repetition in artistic structure: mechanical
form, leading to a build-up of elements, and a form of synthesis
of thought closely connected with the formation of notional
conception of music.

Keyword: repetition in music, musical thinking, musical

Article Details

How to Cite
Molchanov, A. S. (2014). Concerning Certain Aspects of Research of Repetition in Philosophical and Musical Experience. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 83–87. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Andrei S. Molchanov, Novosibirsk State M.I. Glinka Conservatory

Candidate of Arts (PhD),
Associate Professor at the Music Theory Department


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