Musicological Issues in the Research Works of Mikhail Kondratyev

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Lyubov I. Bushueva


Musicologist Mikhail Grigoryevich Kondratyev is known in the scholarly circles of Russia as the author of over five hundred publications, as well as a number of monographs. In his research of Chuvash folk music, he developed an original methodology and brought numerous categories into scholarly circulation of Chuvash and regional musicology, such as quantitative rhythm, aphoristic song plot line, musical dialects, polysyllabic form and the Volga-Urals musical civilization. The monographs and articles devoted to professional art examine the musical legacy of the Chuvash composers of various generations – from the founders to contemporaries, and elaborate on questions of style, genre, form, thematicism and musical language. Mikhail Kondratyev is not only an authoritative scholar, but also the creator of the academic school of Chuvash musicology. The author of the article presents the main problem range of his research, also touching upon pedagogical and social activities, along with the scholarly component.

Keywords: musicologist Mikhail Kondratyev, Chuvash musicology, regional ethnomusicology, the art of traditional and professional music, the Volga-Urals musical civilization.

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How to Cite
Bushueva, L. I. (2018). Musicological Issues in the Research Works of Mikhail Kondratyev. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 8–15.
Scholarly Schools of Russia
Author Biography

Lyubov I. Bushueva, Chuvash State Institute of Humanitarian Sciences

Ph.D. (Arts), Senior Research Associate of the Department of Art Studies


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