Questions of Teaching Rhythm in the System of Preparation of the Pedagogue Musician

Main Article Content

Nina I. Efremova


The reform of the Russian higher and intermediate musical education, which began in the late 20th century created
the possibility of gradually setting forth a system of preparation of pedagogues of the middle ranking in the specialization
of “Music Theory” in the sphere of education in the sphere of musical rhythm. The implementation of new standards
for institutions of higher education have made it possible to include in the list of subjects of the working curriculum of
conservatories in the specialization of “Musicology” disciplines of education in the sphere of musical rhythm which
provide for the corresponding profile preparation of future specialists for children’s educational institutions. The article
acquaints us with some historical suppositions, methodological foundations, the structure and details of disciplines
responsible for the metro-rhythmic development of young musicians. The opinion of psychologists is presented,
who indicate to pedagogues at the necessity of special attention towards the development of rhythmical capabilities
of the students. Characterization is provided of the subjects included in the curriculum of the Magnitogorsk State
Conservatory – “The Methodology of Instruction of Rhythm,” “Tutorial Practice of Pedagogical Work (Rhythm).”

Keywords: musical rhythm, education in the sphere of musical rhythm, musical rhythmical capabilities.

Article Details

How to Cite
Efremova, N. I. (2018). Questions of Teaching Rhythm in the System of Preparation of the Pedagogue Musician. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 149–155.
Musical Education
Author Biography

Nina I. Efremova, Magnitogorsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy)

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Department of Music History and Music


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