The Contextual Approach in the System of Musical Education in Institutions of Higher Education

Main Article Content

Olga V. Pervushina
Nina V. Kryuchkova


The article examines the conditions of the organization of the context-based education of graduate students in the direction students in the category of “53.00.00. The Art of Music” in institutions of higher education from the angle of the productivity of development of a professionally integrated personality combining analytical, pedagogical, performance and creative components within himself. The requirements for the content of graduate school training in instrumental performance are examined in their application to the professional milieu – the context presenting itself in the role of the space of involvement into the activities of the performing musical ensemble in the primary states of instruction. Attention is accentuated towards the results of the educational process, which are revealed beyond the limits of auditory forms of instruction. The significance of the context-based approach lies in the fact that in the process of its application there occurs a transformation of the graduate student’s educational activities into professional
activities on the basis of actualization of his independent word. When the educational program is realized the graduate
student’s independent work is perceived as one of the forms of carrying out the context-based approach. The meaning
and purpose of independent work placed into a context-based milieu of the educational variety are analyzed. Its
organization becomes effective if it is realized in a creative and productive milieu, beyond the frameworks of auditory
classes and lessons, by means of involvement of the performing musician into the creative process (rehearsals,
instruction, performance and analysis) connected with the activities of professional musical ensembles, organizations
or communities. Professional musical ensembles are perceived to possess the indispensable potential for formation of
professional integrated personalities.

Keywords: musical education, professionally integrated personality, contextual approach, independent work of a
student, musical performance activity.

Article Details

How to Cite
Pervushina, O. V., & Kryuchkova, N. V. (2018). The Contextual Approach in the System of Musical Education in Institutions of Higher Education. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 137–143.
Musical Education
Author Biographies

Olga V. Pervushina, Altai State Institute of Culture

Ph.D. (Culturology), Assistant Professor, Chair of the Department of Artistic
Culture, and Decorative-Applied Arts

Nina V. Kryuchkova, Altai State Institute of Culture

Professor at the Department of Folk Instruments and Orchestral Conducting,
Dean of the Music Department


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