Hermeneutics as a Methodology of the Post-Modern and Post-Post-Modern Eras

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Tamara A. Artashkina
Nadezhda A. Tsareva


The contemporary world stands at the threshold of the sixth technological structure the basis of which must be comprised of the knowledge-intensive, or “high” the technologies, the contours of which are already beginning to form in the developed countries of the world. The material foundation of the Post-Modern and Post-Post-Modern eras is comprised of the achievements of the fifth and sixth technological structures. The culture of the contemporary post-industrial society is the culture of technics, technology and information. All knowledge materializes itself in texts.
The necessity for achievement of a multitude of semantic planes demands reflection and intuition. The aim of the
present article is to clarify the specificity of the understanding of hermeneutics in the philosophy of post-modernism.
Anti-rationality as the main characteristic feature of post-modernism has stipulated the intensification of its attention
towards the sphere of the creation of the subject of knowledge. Jacques Derrida examines reality as a text in which the
hermeneutic method presents the opportunity of mastering the meaning of signs of any type of thinking activity. Michel
Foucault examines culture as an aggregate of texts presenting various aspects of life. The method of hermeneutics
in Post-Modernism possesses a conceptual meaning. Through empathy and intuition hermeneutics is capable of
reconstructing the picture of events which present a different perspective of the picture of the world. Post-Modernism
interprets understanding as a means of existence of the human being, and for this reason it endows the hermeneutical
method with an ontological status. In the new model of culture the existing concepts and categories become basic for
the creation of new meanings, ideas and a new cultural paradigm. What becomes a natural occurrence is the transferal
into the sphere of consciousness, which generates the problem of the creator and his creation. As the result of wide
functionality the hermeneutical method in the philosophy of Post-Modernism is considered to be the most important
for analysis of the contemporary human being and the world.

Keywords: the technological mode, the Post-Modern, the Post-Post-Modern, the philosophy of Post-Modernism,
the hermeneutical method, the text of culture, supra-rational methods of cognition, intuition, subject of cognition.

Article Details

How to Cite
Artashkina, T. A., & Tsareva, N. A. (2018). Hermeneutics as a Methodology of the Post-Modern and Post-Post-Modern Eras. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 128–136. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2018.3.128-136
Theory and History of Culture
Author Biographies

Tamara A. Artashkina, Far Eastern Federal University

Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), Professor at the Department of Arts and Design, School
of Arts and Humanities

Nadezhda A. Tsareva, Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University

Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), Professor at the Department of Social-humanitarian


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