The Evolution of the Method of Teaching Playing at Sight in Piano Classes

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Tatiana I. Karacharova
Olga N. Khmelnitskaya


The ability of a piano pupil to read from sight, to perform compositions that are new for him is considered to be an
extremely important skill of a musician. The first guidebooks for musical pedagogy appeared in Western Europe in the
16th and 17th centuries, however reading from sight had not been singled out as a separate issue. The active search for
the most effective ways of teaching sight-reading in the piano class began from the mid-20th century. Since the 1970s
there have appeared works of musician scholars who comprehended theoretically the process of reading from sight. In
them the essence of this skill is revealed with a reliance on psychophysical regular occurrences, which are examined
also from the positions of the level of the preparation of the pupils. What becomes characteristic is the activization of
the integral process of perception and sounding out of sight-reading in non-traditional creative forms. Among these
are classes in small groups, in which special conditions are created for effective consolidation of skills. They make it
possible for a pedagogue to apply interactive methods of instruction, including didactic games. Innovative forms of
ensemble sight-reading on the basis of semantic structures of the composer’s musical text developed at the Laboratory
for Musical Semantics of the Ufa Institute for the Arts present a system of methods of non-traditional ensemble musicmaking,
where reading musical texts in piano classes is done on the basis of role playing with the use of keyboard

Keywords: piano, reading the musical score text, sight-reading, the creative methods of musical education,
intonation etude, Laboratory of Musical Semantics.

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How to Cite
Karacharova, T. I., & Khmelnitskaya, O. N. (2018). The Evolution of the Method of Teaching Playing at Sight in Piano Classes. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 109–117.
International Division
Author Biographies

Tatiana I. Karacharova, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Head at the Department of Musical

Olga N. Khmelnitskaya, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Secondary Piano Department,
Dean of the Faculty of Music Creation


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