Self-Derivation in the Oeuvres of 20th Century Composers: Towards Setting the Problem

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Mariya S. Romanets


Self-derivation presents a special type of textual derivation, an attributive sign of which is the appellation towards
the composer’s own previously written material and its inclusion into a new artistic integrity. In practice, it realizes
itself in two basic forms – a repeated turn back to a complete work or to a fragment of it. The results of this type of
work on one’s own compositions are the composer’s new versions, transcriptions, orchestrations, suites composed
from music for theater or cinema, as well as genre-related transcriptions. Self-derivation of a fragment of a composer’s
own musical text is labeled as self-quotation.
Self-quotation presents a special variety of self-derivation, on the one hand, typologically related to the broader
phenomenon of quotation, and on the other hand endowed with specific differences. Among the characteristic features
determining the essence of quotation, in the conditions of the unity of authorship of the primary artistic source and the
recipient musical text the most relevant are the scale, the boundaries, the degrees of recognizability and the functions.
The enumerated parameters present the criteria of the typologization of self-quotations in the artistic practice of 20th
century composers.
The proportional criterion of self-quotation fixates attention on the indicator of the precision of its recreation. The
correlation of the boundaries of the source material for self-derivation and the scale of its recreation within the new
musical text makes it possible to highlight the macro-self-quotation the self-quotation of a musical fragment and the
micro-self-quotation. Based on the degree of their recognizable features, self-quotations may be differentiated into
apparent and concealed ones. In the new musical text, the incorporated element carries out various compositional and
semantic functions.

Keywords: derivation of the musical text, quotation in music, self-derivation, self-quotation, primary musical source.

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How to Cite
Romanets, M. S. (2018). Self-Derivation in the Oeuvres of 20th Century Composers: Towards Setting the Problem. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 65–71.
Music of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Mariya S. Romanets, Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Post-graduate Student at the Department of Music History


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