The Synesthetic Approach in the Development of Artistic Perception in Students during Instruction in Formal Composition

Main Article Content

Elza E. Purik
Marina G. Shakirova
Mars L. Akhmadullin


Artistic perception is a contradictory process, based on the unity of the rational-logical and emotional-sensuous elements.
The article expounds a methodology of development of artistic perception of students during
instruction in formal composition based on synesthesia – by turning to associations, intersensory analogies
occurring upon the simultaneous impact of the visual arts and music. Such a method, based on securing color
associations and parallels between works pertaining to the visual arts and music makes it possible to achieve
an integral perception of art and to disclose its image-related nature. Turning to music during instruction of
students of artistic directions reveals the emotional nature of art and aids the extension of the creative process
which strengthens the impact of art on personality. Abstract art, in particular, abstract expressionism, as well as
lyrical abstraction, is situated at the closest proximity to music in their level of impact on people’s feelings and
are capable of arousing complex multilayer associations without any concrete images. The authors of the article
show the effectiveness of the synesthetic approach in teaching formal composition, which enables the students
to feel through and live through the emotional content of an abstract picture. The result of this instruction is the
development in students of the capability of a full-fledged perception and evaluation of art, as well as in the
creation of bright, expressive works of visual art.

Keywords: poly-artistic upbringing, synesthesia, formal composition, artistic image, artistic perception, artistic
creative abilities.

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How to Cite
Purik, E. E., Shakirova, M. G., & Akhmadullin, M. L. (2018). The Synesthetic Approach in the Development of Artistic Perception in Students during Instruction in Formal Composition. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 124–132.
Musical Education
Author Biographies

Elza E. Purik, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla

Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor, Chair of the Visual Arts Department

Marina G. Shakirova, Birsk Branch of Bashkir State University

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Technological Education

Mars L. Akhmadullin, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Ph.D. (Arts), Professor of the Drawing and Design Department


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