Two Sonnets by Shakespeare in Reflection of Symphonic Allegory. The Fifth Symphony of Alexander Lokshin

Main Article Content

Semyon A. Loshakov


The article is devoted to the musical legacy of 20th century Russian composer Alexander Lazarevich Lokshin
(1920–1987). At the focus of the article’s attention is the composer’s Fifth Symphony “Shakespeare’s Sonnets” for string
orchestra and baritone (1969). Lokshin’s symphony, which continues the Shakespearean line in Russian music of the past
few centuries, may be placed on the same level with the outstanding works of the composers of the 1960s. Presenting a
unique specimen of a “bilingual” (English and Russian) musical manifestation of Shakespeare’s world famous sonnets,
this composition also demonstrates an example of the post-modernist double coding, where beyond the primary layer
of the poetry of the British classic it is possible to decipher the symphonic allegory of Lokshin the composer. Lokshin
attempted to avoid reducing the all-embracing meaning of the philosophical lyrics to mere subjective categories. By
emphasizing in the allegory a concrete plan, he brought out the instrumental image of the friend to whom the composition
is addressed and, singling out the viola part in the string section of the orchestra, he ascribed to it an important role in
the dramaturgy of the symphony. In the context of the intensive search for a new image of Russian symphony-drama,
Lokshin’s musical score presents a unique example of interpretation of large-scale conceptual form.

Keywords: Alexander Lokshin, William Shakespeare, Boris Pasternak, sonnet, chamber symphony, Rudolf
Barshai, viola, “Hamlet.”

Article Details

How to Cite
Loshakov, S. A. (2018). Two Sonnets by Shakespeare in Reflection of Symphonic Allegory. The Fifth Symphony of Alexander Lokshin. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 13–20.
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Semyon A. Loshakov, Urals State M. P. Mussorgsky Conservatory

Post-graduate Student at the Department of Music Theory


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