The Modernity of Nikolai Popov: Novelty of Music – Novelty of his World View

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Valentina N. Kholopova


Nikolai Popov is a talented Russian composer of the younger generation, whose music is regularly performed in his native country and in other countries. His worldview combines together the most ancient and the most contemporary parameters. The objects of his philosophical and musical thinking are the cosmos, the physical sound of the world, and in the sphere of human history – antiquity and new technologies. His musical language synthesizes classical instrumental timbres with electronic sounds, as well as with video footage. Popov was born in Bashkortostan, graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, participated in the master-classes of many innovative composers from outside of Russia. He created video-musical multimedia compositions in collaboration with several video-artists. Especially noteworthy are his compositions from 2013 – “The Song of Uldra,” writted in collaboration with Andrew Quinn and Alena Skornyakova, based on Scandinavian folklore, “Artra,” written in collaboration of Todor Pozarew and Andrew Quinn with a quotation from the “Danses des adolescentes” from Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring” heard on a disc of the spacecraft Voyager, “Nibiru 20/13” together with Skornyakova and Quinn, based on motives from Sumerian-Acadian mythology. For the most part finding solutions to the issue of correlation of the audio and the visual effects, Popov also admits pure sounds without video footage in some of his compositions. Such is one of the versions of his composition “The Song of Uldra,” as well as his early compositions for bayan, strings and percussion. The emotional “message” to the listener provides a specially important component for him.

Keywords: young composers of Russia, electonic music, “The Song of Uldra,” “Artra,” “Nibiru 20/13,” Todor Pozarew, Alena Skornyakova, Andrew Quinn, Igor Stravinsky.

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How to Cite
Kholopova, V. N. (2018). The Modernity of Nikolai Popov: Novelty of Music – Novelty of his World View. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 120–130.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Valentina N. Kholopova, Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary
Specializations of Musicologists


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