The Role of Pavel Ivanov-Radkevich in Forming the Cultural Space of Krasnoyarsk in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

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Lilia R. Stroy
Evgenia S. Tsaryova


The article researches the role of the graduate of the St. Petersburg Church Singers’ Cappella Pavel Iosefovich Ivanov-Radkevich in the creation of the unique image of the musical and artistic life of Krasnoyarsk of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Understanding the universals and the specificity of the development of cultural processes of Siberia, Ivanov-Radkevich catalyzed their unfolding, in many ways predetermining the subsequent evolution of the artistic space of Krasnoyarsk. His abundant activities permeated virtually into all the basic elements of the musical life of Krasnoyarsk, forming and organizing them into an integral model of regional academic art. As the result of his self-sacrificing work a powerful replenishment was received by the professional musical sphere of Krasnoyarsk. His greatest achievement – founding the People’s Conservatory, which successfully functions up to our days – presented a crucial moment of the swaying of the balance in favor of professionalization and its subsequent predominance within the system of the local academic traditions. In his struggle for the development of the visual arts, Radkevich ardently
son Mikhail to become a painter. The personality of this specialist, formed and generated during the epoch of the
Silver Age in the metropolis of Russia, its scale and cultural range of vision connected the center and the periphery,
the capital and the province. He coordinated the living communication of the leading artistic forces of Krasnoyarsk
(the musicians and the painters), synthesizing the various trends and traditions of academic art. He provided for a fullfledged
inclusion of the Siberian town into the overall processes of constructing the system of Russian culture.
The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, the Government of the
Krasnoyarsk Region, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund for Support of Science and Technology within the framework of
research project №17-14-24006.

Keywords: musical culture of Russia, musical culture of Siberia, musical academic culture, artistic life of
Krasnoyarsk, People’s Conservatory, P. I. Ivanov-Radkevich’s school for drawing.

Article Details

How to Cite
Stroy, L. R., & Tsaryova, E. S. (2017). The Role of Pavel Ivanov-Radkevich in Forming the Cultural Space of Krasnoyarsk in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 143–150.
Area Studies in Music
Author Biographies

Lilia R. Stroy, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts

Ph.D. (Arts), First Vice-Rector

Evgenia S. Tsaryova, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor of the Department of Orchestral Strings


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