Research Works in Contemporary Music in the Musicological School of Valentina Kholopova

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Olga V. Komarnitskaya


Valentina Nikolayevna Kholopova is celebrated for her accomplishments as a specialist in contemporary music,
a writer of innovative research works on 20th century musical rhythm, the music of Webern, Schnittke, Gubaidulina,
Shchedrin, and many other composers. Consequently, the themes of the diploma theses, dissertations and books by
her students are predominantly focused on 20th century music, manifesting the emergence of an entire new school
of musical research works of that type. It is possible to observe the attention towards well-known composers from
the previous century (Stravinsky, Schnittke, Gubaidulina, Tishchenko, Vorontsov), but also research has been made
on the musical legacy of unduly neglected composers – Sergei Protopopov (Anton Rovner) and Nikolai Obouhov
(Nino Barkalaya). Among the composers from other countries studied in the class of Kholopova, for the first time in
the USSR and Russia there were works written about Messiaen, Xenakis, Gorecki, Vieru, Mansuryan and groups of
composers from West Germany (Lachenmann, Rihm, Schnebel, Trojan, Dadelsen), Hungary (Kurtag, Szollosi, Durko,
Lange), as well as jazz and pop music. After completion of their studies, the graduates from the professor’s class wrote
numerous topical books in various languages: Ivanka Stoianova wrote about Berio and Stockhausen, Tatiana Frantova
– about polyphony in Schnittke’s music, Rosa Sultanova – about contemporary musical rituals among the peoples of
Central Asia, Natalia Vlasova – about Schoenberg and Zemlinsky, Elena Mikhalchenkova-Spirina – about Kancheli,
Ekaterina Akishina – about Schnittke, Olga Ozerskaya – about Vorontsov, and Andrei Kudryashov wrote a textbook
on the theory of musical content. In addition to the aforementioned names, Kholopova’s students include professors
Ekaterina Dulova, Dina Kirnarskaya, Boris Gnilov and Irina Lozovaya.

Keywords: Russian musicology, academic school, contemporary music, diploma works, dissertations for degrees
of Candidate of Arts and Doctor of Arts, monographic works, textbooks.

Article Details

How to Cite
Komarnitskaya, O. V. (2017). Research Works in Contemporary Music in the Musicological School of Valentina Kholopova. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 49–69.
International Division
Author Biography

Olga V. Komarnitskaya, Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary
Specializations for Musicologists


1. Akishina E. M. Semanticheskie aspekty analiza tvorchestva A. Shnitke: dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya [The Semantic Aspects of Analysis of the Music of Alfred Schnittke]. Moscow, 2003. 268 p.
2. Akishina E. M. Problemy interpretatsii soderzhaniya muzykal'nykh proizvedeniy Al'freda Shnitke [Issues of Interpretation of the Content in Alfred Schnittke’s Musical Compositions]. Moscow: Forum, 2013. 208 p.
3. Barkalaya N. O. Estetika i kompozitorskaya tekhnika Nikolaya Obukhova v kontekste russkogo i frantsuzskogo modernizma: dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya [The Aesthetics and Compositional Technique of Nikolai Obouhov in the Context of Russian and French Modernism. Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of the Arts]. Moscow, 2011. 383 p.
4. Brugger N. S. «Glorious percussion» Sofii Gubaydulinoy: traktovka udarnykh, kompozitsiya, soderzhatel’nyy aspekt [‘Glorious Percussion’ by Sofia Gubaidulina: An Interpretation of Percussion, Composition and the Aspect of Content]. Sofii s lyubov’yu [To Sofia with Love]. Moscow, 2014. Issue 78, pp. 133–157.
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6. Vlasova N. O. Aleksandr Tsemlinskiy. Zhizn' i tvorchestvo [Alexander Zemlinsky, Life and Music]. Moscow: Moskovskaya konservatoriya, 2014. 416 p.
7. Vlasova N. O. Peresecheniya s muzykal'noy traditsiey v tvorchestve zapadnogermanskikh kompozitorov 1970–1980-kh godov: dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya [Intersections with Musical Tradition in the Works of West German Composers of the 1970s and 1980s]. Moscow, 1998. 258 p.
8. Vlasova N. O. Tvorchestvo Arnol'da Shenberga [The Music of Arnold Schoenberg]. Moscow: LKI Press, 2007. 528 p.
9. Gorokhovskaya V. M. «Parametr ekspressii» v muzyke XX veka: diplomnaya rabota [The ‘Parameter of Expression’ in 20th Century Music. Diploma Thesis]. Moscow, 1995. 175 p. MS located in the Library of the Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
10. Komarnitskaya O. V. Russkaya opera vtoroy poloviny XX – nachala XXI vekov: zhanr, dramaturgiya, kompozitsiya [Russian Opera in the Second Half of the 20th Century and the Early 21st Century: Genre, Dramaturgy and Composition]. Moscow: Alteks, 2011. 306 p.
11. Komarnitskaya O. V. Russkaya opera XIX – nachala XX vekov. Problemy zhanra, dramaturgii, kompozitsii: dis. … d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [Russian Opera from the 19th Century to the Early 21st Century. Issues of Genre, Dramaturgy and Composition: Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Arts]. Moscow, 2011. 757 p.
12. Kudryashov A. Yu. Teoriya muzykal'nogo soderzhaniya. Khudozhestvennye idei evropeyskoy muzyki XVII–XX vv. [The Theory of Musical Content. Artistic Ideas of European Music from the 17th to the 20th Century]. St. Petersburg; Moscow: Planeta muzyki, 2006; 2010. 432 p.
13. Mikhalchenkova-Spirina E. A. Simfonicheskaya dramaturgiya Gii Kancheli [The Symphonic Dramaturgy of Giya Kancheli]. Bordeaux; Moscow: Konservatoriya, 1997. 220 p.
14. Ozerskaya O. V. Yuri Vasil'evich Vorontsov. Esteticheskie vzglyady i muzykal'naya kompozitsiya [Yuri Vasilyevich Vorontsov. Aesthetical Views and Musical Composition]. Moscow: Russian CHESS House, 2017. 306 p.
15. Rovner A. A. Sergei Protopopov: kompozitorskoe tvorchestvo i teoreticheskie raboty: dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya [Sergei Protopopov: Musical Composition and Theoretical Works: Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of the Arts]. Moscow, 2010. 444 p.
16. Sultanova R. P. Muzyka, sokhranennaya za stenoy [Music Preserved Behind the Wall]. Festschrift Valentine Nikolayevne Kholopovoy [A Festschrift to Valentina Nikolayevna Kholopova]. Moscow, 2007. Col. 63, pp. 34–40.
17. Sultanova R. R. O vzaimosvyazyakh usulya i ritma melodii v vokal'nykh chastyakh Shashmakoma [About the Interconnections Between the Usul and the Rhythm of the Melody in the Vocal Parts of the Shashmaqom]. Tashkent: YaNI, 1998. 52 p.
18. Sultanova R. R. Poyushchee slovo uzbekskikh obryadov (opyt liricheskogo issledovaniya) [The Singing Word of Uzbek Rites (An Attempt of Lyrical Research)]. Tashkent: B. i., 1994. 106 p.
19. Sultanova R. R. Ritmika vokal'nykh chastey Shashmakoma: dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya [The Rhythm of the Vocal Parts of the Shashmaqom: Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of the Arts]. Tashkent, 1987. 188 p.
20. Ferapontova E. V. Vokal'naya muzyka Yannisa Ksenakisa kak fenomen kompozitorskogo tvorchestva: dis. ... kand. iskusstvovedeniya [The Vocal Music of Iannis Xenakis as a Phenomenon on of Compositional Creativity: Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of the Arts]. Moscow, 2012. 389 p.
21. Ferapontova E. V. Yannis Ksenakis. Vokal'noe tvorchestvo [Iannis Xenakis: Vocal Music]. Moscow: Kompozitor, 2011. 240 p.
22. Frantova T. V. Polifoniya A. Shnitke i novye tendentsii v muzyke vtoroy poloviny XX veka: monografiya [The Polyphony of Alfred Schnittke and the New Tendencies in the Music of the Second Half of the 20th Century: a Monographic Work]. Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo “Aktual'nye problemy sovremennoy nauki Severo-Kavkazskogo nauchnogo tsentra vysshey shkoly”, 2004. 404 p.
23. Frantova T. V. Polifoniya A. Shnitke i novye tendentsii v muzyke vtoroy poloviny XX veka: dis. … d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [The Polyphony of Schnittke and New Tendencies in the Music of the Second Half of the 20th Century: Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Arts]. Moscow, 2005. 462 p.
24. Kholopova V. N. Voprosy ritma v tvorchestve kompozitorov pervoy poloviny XX veka [Questions of Rhythm in the Music of Composers of the First Half of the 20th Century]. Moscow: Muzyka, 1971. 304 p.
25. Kholopova V. N. Russkaya muzykal'naya ritmika [Russian Musical Rhythm]. Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1983. 281 p.
26. Kholopova V. N. Put' po tsentru. Rodion Shchedrin [The Path along the Center. Rodion Shchedrin]. Moscow: Kompozitor, 2000. 320 p.
27. Kholopova V. N. Kompozitor Al'fred Shnitke [Composer Alfred Schnittke]. 2nd Edition. Moscow: Kompozitor, 2010. 228 p.
28. Kholopova V. N. Sofiya Gubaydulina: monografiya; s interv'yu Entso Restan'o i Sofii Gubaydulinoy [Sofia Gubaidulina: a Monographic Work; With Enzo Restagno’s Interview with Sofia Gubaidulina]. 3rd Edition. Moscow: Kompozitor, 2011. 400 p.
29. Kholopova V. N. Formy muzykal'nykh proizvedeniy [Forms of Musical Compositions]. 4th Edition. St. Petersburg et al.: Lan', Planeta muzyki, 2013. 496 p.
30. Kholopova V. N. Fenomen muzyki [The Phenomenon of Music]. Moscow: Direkt-Media, 2014. 384 p.
31. Kholopova V. N. Rossiyskaya akademicheskaya muzyka posledney treti XX – nachala XXI vekov (zhanry i stili) [Russian Classical Music of the Final Third of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21st Century (Genres and Styles)]. Moscow, 2015. 234 p.
32. Kholopova V. N., Kholopov Yu. N. Fortepiannye sonaty S. S. Prokof'eva [The Piano Sonatas of Sergei Prokofiev]. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1961. 88 p.
33. Kholopova V. N., Kholopov Yu. N. Anton Vebern [Anton Webern]. Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1984. 320 p.
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35. Kholopova V. N., Chigareva E. I. Al'fred Shnitke [Alfred Schnittke]. Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1990. 351 p.
36. Shevtsova I. V. Sochineniya Sofii Gubaydulinoy dlya violoncheli: problemy muzykal'nogo soderzhaniya, kompozitsii i traktovki instrumenta: dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya [Compositions by Sofia Gubaidulina for Cello: Issues of Musical Content, Composition and Interpretation of the Instrument: Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of the Arts]. Moscow, 2013. 222 p.
37. Stoianova I. Geste – texte – musique [Gesture – Text – Music]. Col. Esthetique, Dir.: Dufrenne No. 1197. Paris: U.G.E., 10/18, 1978. 282 p.
38. Stoianova I. Karlheinz Stockhausen, “Je suis les sons…” [Karlheinz Stockhausen, “I am the Sounds…”]. Col. L’educations musicale. Paris: Beauchesne, 2014. 356 p.
39. Stoianova I. Luciano Berio. Chemins en musique [Luciano Berio. Paths to Music]. La Revue musicale [Musical Review]. No. 375–377. Paris: Ed. Richard-Masse, 1985. 512 p.
40. Stoianova I. Manuel d’analyse musicale / Les formes classiques simples et complexes [A Manual for Musical Analysis / The Classical Forms, Simple and Complex]. Paris: Minerve, 1996. 240 p.
41. Stoianova I. Manuel d’analyse musicale / Variations, sonate, formes cycliques [A Manual for Musical Analysis / Variations, Sonata, Cyclical Forms]. Paris: Minerve, 2000. 285 p.
42. Sultanova R. From Shamanism to Sufism: Women, Islam and Culture in Central Asia. London; New York: IBTauris, 2014. 256 p.
43. Sultanova R. Popular Culture in Afghanistan. London; New York: IBTauris, 2016. 300 p.
44. Sultanova R. Turkic Music: from Shamanic Voices to Maqam, from Zhikr to Hip-Hop. London: Francis and Taylor, 2016. 400 p.