The World of Childhood in the Music of Prokofiev in the Context of the Phenomenon of Childhood in Art

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Iza A. Nemirovskaya
Irina A. Korsakova


The attention to the phenomenon of childhood in art created the most diverse artistic results, which were mostly
connected with the evolutional processes in the domain of culture. Culture has traversed a certain historical path of
metamorphosis of this phenomenon from the most ancient myths, the most primary forms of children’s folklore, the
early Christian images (the Virgin Mary with the Infant, as well as the Infant Christ Himself) – to our times. There
exists the famous contradistinction between art works about children with art works created for children. Nonetheless,
this contradistinction frequently turns out to be artificial, since these two categories usually intermingle with each
other. It has been revealed that it was only the 19th century that witnessed the image-related content-based modes
typical for children’s music, the genre system and musical poetics, which have in part influenced the art works of the
20th century. But the most important fact remains that it was in the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the
20th century that masters of all the arts began to exert an immense amount of attention to the psychology of childhood,
at times anticipating in this sphere the work of professional psychologists. Special color is present in the world of
childhood as present in the music of Prokofiev, who himself has organically preserved the child element in himself up
to the end of his life. The childlike in the adult and the adult features in the child presented one of the sides of his soul,
while the childlike purity and directness (present in different ages of a person’s life) serves as an important measure of
the composer’s perception of the world and of other people.

Keywords: Prokofiev, the phenomenon of childhood in art, children’s music, genres of children’s music, theatricality.

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How to Cite
Nemirovskaya, I. A., & Korsakova, I. A. (2017). The World of Childhood in the Music of Prokofiev in the Context of the Phenomenon of Childhood in Art. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 127–134.
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biographies

Iza A. Nemirovskaya, Moscow State A. G. Schnittke Musical Institute

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Department of Philosophy, History and Theory
of Culture and Art

Irina A. Korsakova, Moscow State A. G. Schnittke Musical Institute

Dr. Sci. (Culturology), Ph.D. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Acting Pro-Rector
for Scholarly Research Work


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