The Instrumental Musical Culture of the Selkups (Based on the Materials of an Ethnographical Expedition)

Main Article Content

Firgat F. Gubaidullin


The article is devoted to the instrumental musical culture of
the Selkups – a small-numbered aboriginal ethnicity inhabiting
the territory of the Tomsk Region and the Yamalo-Nenets
Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation. On the basis of
analysis of scholarly works dealing directly or indirectly with the
traditional music of one of the peoples of the Russian North, as
well as the ield research carried out by the author of this article,
new materials are presented about Selkup musical instruments
and musical culture in general. The constructional peculiarities
and means of performance on Selkup musical instruments
are examined. Included in the article are musical notations of
the songs of the Selkups discovered during the process of the
ield search. Systematic classiication is made of the Selkup
musical instruments, according to the lines of E. Hornbostel and
K. Zaks: deinitions are provided for the respective groups of
idiophones, membranophones, chordophones and aerophones.
The varieties and inimitable qualities of the Selkup musical
instruments bear emphatic witness to the originality of the
culture of this people.

Keywords: the peoples of the North, the Selkups, the music
of the Selkups, Selkup musical instruments, the songs of the

Article Details

How to Cite
Gubaidullin, F. F. (2014). The Instrumental Musical Culture of the Selkups (Based on the Materials of an Ethnographical Expedition). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 14–20. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Firgat F. Gubaidullin, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Post-graduate student at the Laboratory
for Musical Semantics


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