The Poly-Functional Bell Polyphony in the Russian Tradition: The Musical Textural Peculiarities of Bell Rings of the Three-Voice Type

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Sergei G. Tosin


Three types of Orthodox Christian bell rings have emerged
historically: “blagovest”, “perezvon” and “sobstvenno zvon”.
The latter presents the most complex type of bell ringing and
from the point of view of musical texture is deined as polyfunctional
bell polyphony. It may be demonstrated by various
diverse quantities of functional voices. The present article
examines the bell ring of a three-voice structure proper.
Its texture is constructed from: 1) ostinato patterns of
large bells; 2) the leading rhythmical-intonational strata of the
middle-size bells; 3) the rhythmical-coloristic accompaniment
of the “zazvon” (sounded out by small bells). At the same time,
each group of bells, situated above the previous, is more mobile
rhythmically and rich intonationally. The present article is
devoted to proving the given thesis.
The indicated musical textural voices are analyzed separately.
It is noted that the bass part is the foundation of the bell ring and is
distinguished by minimal mobility. In the middle voice three types
of sound realization of the musical material are distinguished:
1) the archaic, presenting regular rotation of one short chant
motive (in one movement); 2) the prolonged, with moderately
lengthened musical phrases (by several measures); 3) melodicized,
partially consisting of extended melodic constructions.
The upper voice is sounded by 2 to 4 bells. Their parts are
the most fragmented one. Here the rhythmic and auditory features
of the “zazvon” are analyzed, as well as the dependence of the
quality indicators on the quantity of the bells. Two main types of
trills are distinguished: a) those of a linear character (the sphere
of rhythm and intonation), b) with a predominance of harmonic
progressions (the rhythmic and coloristic sphere).
In conclusion, the thesis is conirmed conserning the presence
in the poly-functional bell polyphony of three-part texture
with a diverse rhythm, fragmenting “layer after layer.”

Keywords: ringing of church bells, sobstvenno zvon,
zazvon, bells

Article Details

How to Cite
Tosin, S. G. (2014). The Poly-Functional Bell Polyphony in the Russian Tradition: The Musical Textural Peculiarities of Bell Rings of the Three-Voice Type. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 4–8. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Sergei G. Tosin, Novosibirsk State M.I. Glinka Conservatory

Doctor of Arts,
Associate Professor at the Composition Department


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