Acoustic Element in the Bourdon Singing Model of Circassians and Karachays

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Lilija A. Vishnevskaya


The article considers the questions of environmental and acoustic conditions of formation of singing styles in music of oral tradition. In terms of traditional songs of circassians and karachaeys acoustic elements of the bourdon singing model are being analyzed.

Keywords: ethnomusicology, oral tradition, bourdon, acoustics, culture of Tcherkessi, culture of Karatchayevtsi

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How to Cite
Vishnevskaya, L. A. (2007). Acoustic Element in the Bourdon Singing Model of Circassians and Karachays. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 1(1), 179–182. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Lilija A. Vishnevskaya, Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov

Candidate of Arts, Professor of Department of Music Theory and Composition


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