Sign-Figures of Musical Instruments and the Artistic Context of Joseph Haydn’s Pastoral Sonatas

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Amina I. Asfandjarova


The author applies the method of semantic analysis and practically illustrates some instances of an adequate way of reading the original urtext of Haydn’s piano sonatas by the performer. A prominent place in the sonatas is occupied by the pastorale. The intonational vocabulary of the pastoral is grounded in several groups of semantic figures, which are migrating from text to text. Among them are the sign-figures of the antique lyre, sign-figures of the shepherd’s pipe, sign-figures of the horn signals and «tantara» which stand for themes of hunt, gallant amusements and amorous scenes, common for the stylistic of the 17th-18th centuries.

Keywords: semantics, articulation, pastoral images, musical theme, Haydn’s piano sonatas

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How to Cite
Asfandjarova, A. I. (2007). Sign-Figures of Musical Instruments and the Artistic Context of Joseph Haydn’s Pastoral Sonatas. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 1(1), 100–114. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Amina I. Asfandjarova, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Candidate of Arts, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs


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