The Realization of the Concept of Structural Analysis Demonstrated On the Example of a Percussion Piece "Mysterious Tribesmen" by Boris Tishchenko

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Ljudmila V. Alexandrova


Boris Tishenko’s work is written in the traditions of the second avant-garde and contains his main, previously pre-established idea — manifestations of order which is supposed to have an effect of the non-systematic sound. Having prefixed the program of mathematically expressed order in terms of a diagram of rests, the composer leaves the realm of the pitch space veiled. The article focuses on revealing the logic of the pitch order: the mysterious halo of the secret ties of the "tribesmen" can be made explicit by the geometric interpretation of sound pitches. Cancrizans juxtaposition of space (the system of sound distribution) and time (the system of rests) is expressed in the form of numeral correspondence and is aimed at the formation of a paradoxical creative result, at the effect of the sounding chaos.

Keywords: Boris Tischchenko, musical post-avant-garde, music of the 20th century, musical structuralism, aleatory

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How to Cite
Alexandrova, L. V. (2007). The Realization of the Concept of Structural Analysis Demonstrated On the Example of a Percussion Piece "Mysterious Tribesmen" by Boris Tishchenko. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 1(1), 44–53. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Ljudmila V. Alexandrova, Novosibirsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka

Doctor of Arts, Professor


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