Variant Processes in Traditional Composition of Saratov-Based Harmonica Players “Saratov Sweep”

Main Article Content

Alevtina A. Mikhailovna


The article is devoted to areal research of instrumental folk music.
It examines issues of variant development and multiplicity of
performing versions in traditional music-making on the Saratov
harmonica. Various diverse forms of structural manifestations
of image- and style-related ideas are researched: the developing
and communicative types of variation as means of realization
of the artistic thinking of traditional performers. The respective
forms of poly-textuality emerge from the individual nature of
the tradition itself, its uniqueness, as well as the psychological
orientation of the performer, who is the creator of the music. the
examples of variant exposition of thematic material cited in the
article make it possible to observe a special communicative type
of variation development based on an organic connection of the
principles of repetition and variation with an improvisationaldevelopmental
method, which generates an inimitably original
artistic result.

Keywords: folk music, traditional instrumentalism, Saratov
harmonica, repeat, variant development

Article Details

How to Cite
Mikhailovna, A. A. (2014). Variant Processes in Traditional Composition of Saratov-Based Harmonica Players “Saratov Sweep”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 38–41. Retrieved from
Musical Instruments of Russia
Author Biography

Alevtina A. Mikhailovna, The Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Associate Professor at the Department of Solo Singing
and Ethnomusicology


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