Student’s Personality Development in the Process of Musical Performance

Main Article Content

Pyotr N. Evtikhiev


The article outlines different aspects of students'
personality development in the process of
musical performance. The successful advancement
in this field largely depends on the student's positive
and active attitude to his performance.
Besides, the article discusses the shortcomings of
educational performance process which causes the
growth of students' negative response to the particular
type of exercises, as well as to the development
process as a whole. The author suggests
a correction of teaching methods aimed at forming
student's theoretical thinking skills and positive

Keywords: musical pedagogy, musical education, musical psychology, musical performance

Article Details

How to Cite
Evtikhiev, P. N. (2008). Student’s Personality Development in the Process of Musical Performance. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 2(1), 221–225. Retrieved from
Innovation in Musical Education
Author Biography

Pyotr N. Evtikhiev, Tambov State Musical-Pedagogic Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov

Candidate of Pedagogy, Chair and Professor of the
Department of Musical Education


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