Living Stone Songs: Norwegian Peasant’s Dances Op 72 by Edvard Grieg

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Ekaterina A. Shikova


Peasant's Dances op. 72 is one of Grieg's last
creations and a monumental epic work. It should
be regarded as a literary-musical monument of
national culture because many of the dances are
preceded by Norwegian legends and sagas.
Drawing on the score, on Grieg's epistolary
body of work and on other historical evidence,
the author of the article analyses the making
of Peasant's Dances in the context of
Norwegian culture and the folk violin music
styles as they are interpreted by Grieg in his
piano pieces.

Keywords: E. Grieg, Norwegian music, Norwegian folklore, composer and folklore 

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How to Cite
Shikova, E. A. (2008). Living Stone Songs: Norwegian Peasant’s Dances Op 72 by Edvard Grieg. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 2(1), 138–149. Retrieved from
Composer and Folklore
Author Biography

Ekaterina A. Shikova, Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov

Ekaterina A. Shikova is graduate student of the Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov


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