"To Restore the Link to the Past" (on the Problem of Composer’s Folklorism in Hungarian Musicology)

Main Article Content

Ljubov I. Bushueva


This article deals with the problem which
remains urgent for many national cultures, the
problem of "Composer and folklore" as it is
represented in Hungarian music scholarship.
Hungarian tradition occupies a special place in
the European musical culture as the one that
maintains different forms of interconnection
between professional and folk art. The issue of
how the folklore manifests itself in music is
therefore one of the most important topics for
Hungarian musical scholars in the twentieth century.
This article analyzes the works of
Hungarian musicologists of different generations
whose publications are available in both Russian
and English languages. Special attention is given
to one the most often explored topics, i.e. to
the manifestations of Hungarian folklore and
particularly of the "verbuncosh" style in the
classical and romantic music of the Western
Europe. The scientific ideas of Zoltán Kodály
and Béla Bartók, the founding fathers of
Hungarian musicology, are being carefully illustrated.
Some parallels between the ideas of
Hungarian and Russian scientists, concerning the
problem of folklorism composer's music, are
being drawn out.

Keywords: history of music, B. Bartok, composer and folklore, Hungarian folklorism

Article Details

How to Cite
Bushueva, L. I. (2008). "To Restore the Link to the Past" (on the Problem of Composer’s Folklorism in Hungarian Musicology). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 2(1), 130–137. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/773
Composer and Folklore
Author Biography

Ljubov I. Bushueva, Chuvash State Pedagogy University

Ljubov I. Bushueva is a graduate student at the Chuvashi State Pedagogy University


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