Musical Animation: Opera and Ballet

Main Article Content

Svetlana S. Sevastiyanova


This article is devoted to the problems of the new genre
of the "musical theater on screen." Animation opera presupposes
a new type of hero, the introduction of spoken scenes,
conciseness of musical material and other characteristic features.
This research is based on the works by Walt Disney,
Natalia Dabizha, Ivan Ivanov-Vano and other directors. The
genre of animation opera represents not only the transcriptions
of famous compositions of musical theatre, but also many
original works created for the screen.

Keywords: musical theatre, musical animation, screen music, animation opera, animation ballet

Article Details

How to Cite
Sevastiyanova, S. S. (2008). Musical Animation: Opera and Ballet. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 222–232. Retrieved from
Screen Music. Musical Animation
Author Biography

Svetlana S. Sevastiyanova, Astrakhan State Conservatory (Academy)

Professor of the Astrakhan Music
College named after M. Mussorgsky, she is also the docent of
the Department of Theory and History of Music of the Astrakhan
State Conservatory. She holds the Candidate of Arts degree.


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