Dead Souls of Rodion Schchedrin: the Mythopoetics of the Mass Scenes

Main Article Content

Ljubov A. Serebryakova


This article unveils the structure of mythopoetic space of
the opera Dead Souls by Rodion Schchedrin. The analysis of
composition, dramaturgy, and intonational-genre semantics of the
mass scenes is accompanied by the philosophical consideration
and interpretation of the text. The author discovers the hidden
layers of meaning of the opera, the realization of the religious-
spiritual picture of the world and of the historiosophic
concept. Mass scenes are interpreted by the author as the epics
of the people's life; they reveal the stable typological forms
of the people's existence and social tragedy, the soul of the
people and the philosophical expression. The mass scenes present
the thoughts on historic path and the fate of the people,
they unfold the image of its religious spirit and faith.

Keywords: Russian opera, opera of the 20th century, folk scenes, mythopoetics, choral music

Article Details

How to Cite
Serebryakova, L. A. (2008). Dead Souls of Rodion Schchedrin: the Mythopoetics of the Mass Scenes. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 210–221. Retrieved from
Musical Theater
Author Biography

Ljubov A. Serebryakova, Ural State Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky

Ljubov A. Serebryakova is the Chair of the Department of Music History, Professor