The Method of "Breathing" Mode in a Piano Piece "Chameleon" by Alexander Izosimov

Main Article Content

Natalia V. Klimova


The method of "breathing" mode, introduced by composer
Alexander Izosimov (born 1958) from St. Petersburg is considered
in this article as the realization of the idea of transcendental
union of human soul and cosmos. Immanent characteristics
of such mode acquire the form of structural meaning-
bearing modality, capable of transforming the 20th-century
views of time and space.

Keywords; St. Petersburg composers, composition method, piano music, mode structures

Article Details

How to Cite
Klimova, N. V. (2008). The Method of "Breathing" Mode in a Piano Piece "Chameleon" by Alexander Izosimov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 193–198. Retrieved from
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Natalia V. Klimova, Tambov State Musical-Pedagogic Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov

Assistant Professor of the Department
of Theory and History of Music