The Music of the Sacred Words: on the Role of the Word in Arvo Part's Tintinnabuli Works

Main Article Content

Olga V. Osetskaya


This article is dedicated to the works of Arvo Part written
in the style of tintinnabuli in different periods of his life.
The author provides the analysis of this unique style and
demonstrates its religious roots on the examples from the
Double Concerto Tabula Rasa (1977), the choral work Te Deum
(1984/85/92), and two compositions for the string orchestra The
Songs of Siluana (1991) and Trisagion (1992/94). Inspired by
composer's Orthodox Christian worldview, this style is ultimately
word-oriented in nature. This quality is responsible for
the most part of the mystery of the tintinnabuli style and, as
such, presents the object for close examination.

Keywords: music of the 20th century, music and word, choral music, isichasm, sacred word

Article Details

How to Cite
Osetskaya, O. V. (2008). The Music of the Sacred Words: on the Role of the Word in Arvo Part’s Tintinnabuli Works. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 188–192. Retrieved from
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Olga V. Osetskaya, Nizhegorod State Conservatory (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka

Olga V. Osetskaya is a graduate student at the Nizhegorod State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka