Aesthetics of Jazz: Pro et Contra

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Svetlana A. Amirkhanova


The main question set forth in this article is that of validity
of correlation between the notions of aesthetics and jazz.
The urgency of this question is obvious since the classical criteria
of the aesthetic object not always match the image of
the art of jazz. Relying on authoritative studies in jazz by
John Collier, William Sergeant, Valentina Konen, Richard
Taruskin and Yevgeny Barban) the author comes to a realization
that the idea of freedom, immediacy of artistic expression,
lies in the foundation of jazz. The article provides the
characteristics of the aspects jazz which allow viewing it as
pertinent to the classical aesthetic judgments.

Keywords: jazz history, aesthetics of jazz, jazz scene, jazz idioms

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How to Cite
Amirkhanova, S. A. (2008). Aesthetics of Jazz: Pro et Contra. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 177–180. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Svetlana A. Amirkhanova, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Svetlana A. Amirkhanova is a graduate student at the Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Z. Ismagilov


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