The Art Songs of W. A. Mozart: Traditions and Innovations

Main Article Content

Sergey V. Tarasov


The article is dedicated to the study of chamber vocal
music of W. A. Mozart as an independent phenomenon in the
context of interaction of all its tendencies. The chosen angle
allows describing its general features and the historic development
and permits deeper penetration into the problems of
stylistic analysis and clearer understanding of the essential features
of Mozart's work, including the "nucleus," the concentrated
quality which preconditioned the genre explosion that
took place later in the Romantic period.

Keywords: musical classicism, Austrian and German Lied, the music of Austria, chamber and vocal music

Article Details

How to Cite
Tarasov, S. V. (2008). The Art Songs of W. A. Mozart: Traditions and Innovations. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 171–176. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Sergey V. Tarasov, Astrakhan State Conservatory (Academy)

Sergey V. Tarasov is the Instructor of Voice and Opera
Preparation, the Graduate student of the Astrakhan State


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